Pushback proportions, not numbers, fall in August
Although the proportion of people being illegally pushed back from Greece has fallen, the reason is not what one might expect or hope.
Pushback proportions, not numbers, fall in August
'New' government, same abuse of the legal system
Mitsotakis: shifting blame and attacking those who have human feeling
Lesvos’ turn to revel in ND carnival of lies
Mitsotakis, the media and the pushback lie
Maria: the (actual) current situation
Mitsotakis seeks to mislead the world
Mitsotakis disgraces Greece with joke about dead five-year-old girl
Kiriakos Mitsotakis: Strange, erroneous, claims at the EU Parliament
Leggeri resigns as Frontex director after latest revelations of agency’s illegal, immoral activities
Have you been to Samos? Which Samos have you been to, Mr. Prime Minister?